
We offer all Medicare plans offered in Texas and with our special software we are able to find the most suitable, benefit-rich plans for each individual’s needs.

Check out these guides to learn what Medicare can do for you.

Medicare Basics

Medicare & You 2024

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Types of Medicare Coverage

Medicare Supplement

Medicare Supplements (Medigap) can help pay some of the remaining healthcare costs for services and supplies, that original Medicare doesn’t cover, like co-payments, co-insurance, and deductibles.

For more info, see page 71 of Medicare and You

Medicare drug coverage (Part D)

Standalone Medicare drug coverage helps pay for prescription drugs you need. Even if you don’t take prescription drugs now, you should consider getting Medicare drug coverage.

For more info, see page 75 of Medicare and You

Medicare Advantage

A Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) is another way to get your Medicare Part A and Part B coverage, but in a combined package. These plans set a limit on what you’ll have to pay out-of-pocket each year for covered services, to help protect you from unexpected costs, and may come with additional benefits at no cost to you.

for more info, see page 57 of Medicare and You

Medicare Advantage (Part D)

Most Medicare Advantage plans may include drug coverage (Part D) in one package, so you wont have to enroll in a separate plan.

for more info, see page 57 of Medicare and You

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